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Space Navigation Systems and Devices. Radiolocation and Radio Navigation
Using a Systematic Approach to Solving the Problematic Issues of Functioning of the Automated Complex of Programs for Ballistic and Navigational
Support of GNSS Spacecraft Missions

     Betanov V.V., Larin V.K.
On Conceptual Fundamentals of Radio Navigation
     Povalyaev A.A.
Aerospace Methods for Earth Remote Sensing
Creating of 3D Surface Models Using “Resurs-P” Spacecraft Images
     Peshkun A.A.
Analysis of Matrix Photodetectors Application for Scanning Systems
     Gektin Yu.M., Zaytsev A.A., Rozhnev A.V., Solov’ev A.M., Smelyanskiy M.B.
Radio Engineering and Space Communication
Radio Engineering Equipment Control Using a Database Linter-VS in OS MSVS
     Vatutin V.M., Dontsov S.A., Efremov Yu. V.
Digital Phasing to Increase Application Efficiency of the B-529 Antenna System
     Vatutin S.I., Zaytsev O.V.
Systems Analysis, Spacecraft Control, Data Processing, and Telemetry Systems
System and Technical Development Aspects of the Ground-Based Automated Control Complex for Spacecraft of Scientific and Socioeconomic
Purposes and Measurements until 2025

     Kislyakov M.Yu., Logachev N.S., Petushkov A.M.
Correction of Temperature Error of Pressure Piezoelectric Sensors for Space Technology Products
     Malanin V.P., Kikot V.V., Efimov P.N.
Solid-State Electronics, Radio Electronic Components, Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Quantum Effect Devices
Design of LNA Based on the Domestic ECB Using CAD AWR
     Petukh N.N., Belousov Yu. S., Garbuzenko A.P., Daryushkin K.O.
Dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of Joint Stock Company “Russian Space Systems”
On Creating the World’s First Strategic Long-Range Missile R-7 and Its Control System
     Startsev V.K.