The Requirements for the Publication of Materials in the “Rocket-Space Device Engineering and Information Systems” Journal
- The submitted manuscripts should correspond to the Journal subject areas, as well as to the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (VAK) criteria of scientific novelty. The articles should not be published before in other printed or electronic publications.
- The material presentation should be clear and logically structured in the following order:
- UDC identifier (on the left);
- the article title, authors’ initials and surnames, academic degree and title of the authors, position, place of work (full name of the organization, country, city, e-mail), abstract (250-300 words according to the recommendations of SCOPUS), and keywords (5-6 words) in English and in Russian;
- the main body;
- references (are made according to the State Standard (GOST) Р0.5–2008. In the article, references to the corresponding source from the References are put in square brackets. An example: [1, p. 233]).
- When writing the main body, it is necessary to adhere to the following structure: Introduction, Data on the research methodology, Experimental part, Conclusions.
- The manuscript of the article is submitted in one printed copy on one side of a standard sheet of paper (A4 format). The volume of the article should not exceed 15 pages including illustrations.
- The text should be typeset in Microsoft Word (MS Word) (extension: .doc) using the standard Times New Roman font, 12 pt, line spacing is one and a half. Margins from all sides are 20 mm.
- Microsoft Equation 3.0 should be used to type formulas. Formulas are typed in the Roman alphabet, font size is 11 pt. Only formulas cited in the text should be numbered.
- All used alphabetical symbols and abbreviations should be defined. The dimension of quantities must correspond to the International System of Units (Si-system). The Latin letters are in italics; the Greek and Russian letters are in upright font. Mathematical symbols lim, lg, ln, arg, const, sin, cos, min, max, etc. are also in upright font.
- Figures and diagrams are made in colour. They should be clear without the need to be drawn again. The illustrative material text should be in Arial Reg, lower case letters.
- Tables should be numbered and have a short title; line spacing in the table title is single, alignment is a justified text. Headings of columns of the table begin with capital letters, and subheadings can begin with lowercase letters if they are a united whole with the heading.
- Along with the article, the following electronic files should be submitted:
- a complete and formatted article (.doc);
- figures, diagrams (jpeg or tif formats with a resolution not less than 300 dpi, size is not larger than А4);
- information about the authors (full name (name, surname, patronymic), academic degree and title, place of work, position, postgraduate or candidate for a degree, office and mobile numbers, and e-mail).
- The last page of the manuscript should contain the signatures of all authors. The Editorial Team does not inform the authors about editorial changes and abridgements of the manuscript that do not concern questions of principal.
- The manuscripts that do not meet the aforementioned requirements are not subject to consideration for publication.
- The authors of the articles are responsible for the completeness and credibility of the cited literature, as well as for the publication of the borrowed material, without reference to the source. According to the legislative acts in force, the authors are personally responsible for the publication of materials containing classified information.
- Expert findings оn the possibility of publication in public media are enclosed with the article.
- The final decision on the approval or rejection of the submitted material to the Editorial Team is taken by the Editorial Board and is considered to be conclusive.