The Regulation on the Scientific and Technical Journal “Rocket-Space Device Engineering and Information Systems”
1. The General Provisions
1.1. The scientific and technical journal «Ракетно-космическое приборостроение и информационные системы» (hereinafter — the Journal) was founded by Joint Stock Company “Russian Space Systems” (hereinafter — the Organization).
1.2. The Journal is a peer-reviewed publication. It is issued according to the federal laws On Mass Media, On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy, On information, information technologies and information security, the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission to the reviewed scientific publications in which the main results of theses for a degree of the Candidate of Science, for a degree of the Doctor of Science (the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 12.12.2016 No. 1586 with the amendments made by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 12.02.2018 No. 99), the State Standard (GOST) 7.5-98 “System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Journals, collections, information editions. Presentation of publications”; the chapter 70 “Copyright” and chapter 71 “Rights adjacent with copyright” of the Russian Civil, the Code of Joint Stock Company “Russian Space Systems”, and the present Regulation.
The title of the Journal in English is “Rocket-Space Device Engineering and Information Systems”.
1.3. The Journal is registered in prescribed manner in the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor).
1.4. The Journal has a subscription number in the united catalogue “The Russian Press”.
1.5. This Journal contains original works in the form of scientific articles, scientific reviews, information about commemorative dates and anniversaries, scientific conferences and seminars, as well as referee reports and opinions.
1.6. The publication frequency is four issues per year.
1.7. The Journal is published in printed form in Russian and has an online version both in English and Russian.
1.8. The Advisory Council is responsible for the scientific and methodological activity of the Journal. The Editorial Board solves urgent organizational and technical issues.
1.9. The Department of Scientific and Technical Information of the Organization is the Editorial Team of the Journal (item 6).
2. The Journal Main Goals and Tasks
2.1. Information support of scientific research and developments in the field of rocket and space device engineering and information systems.
2.2. Facilitation of experience exchange among scholars and specialists of rocket and space organizations of Russia, CIS countries, and leading countries of the world, academic institutions and higher educational institutions by means of publishing new results achieved after conducting Research and Development (R&D).
2.3. Organization of open scientific polemic contributing to quality improvement of thesis research and review efficiency of scientific works.
2.4. Involvement of young scientists, specialists, students and postgraduates in the process of creation and usage of perspective devices, complexes, and systems.
3. The Journal Main Subject Areas
The Journal contains thematic sections (headings) corresponding to two branches of science “Engineering Sciences” (code 05.00.00) and to the groups of disciplines according to the Nomenclature of scientific specialties, which are awarded academic degrees approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 2017, No. 1027 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated 20.11.2017, No. 48962):
3.1. Space Navigation Systems and Devices. Radiolocation and Radio Navigation (specialty code 2.2.16).
3.2. Radio Engineering and Space Communication (specialty codes 2.2.13, 2.2.14, 2.2.15).
3.3. Systems Analysis, Spacecraft Control, Data Processing, and Telemetry Systems (specialty code 2.3.1).
3.4. Solid-State Electronics, Radio Electronic Components, Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Quantum Effect Devices (specialty code 2.2.2).
4. The Journal Advisory Council
4.1. The Advisory Council is a permanent body formed by the Founder’s invitation of representatives of organizations that are the members of the integrated structure, and leading Russian and foreign scholars in the field of rocket and space device engineering.
4.2. The Advisory Council is headed by the Chair, who is Director General of the Organization. The Deputy Chair is the Journal Editor-in-Chief.
4.3. The Advisory Council membership is confirmed by the order of the Director General of the Organization.
4.4. The Advisory Council is responsible for the scientific and methodological management of the Editorial Team’s activity. Within the competence of the Advisory Council is the determination of priority research topics covered in the Journal; control of the review process of materials for publication; monitoring of the federal law On Mass Media observance.
4.5. The Advisory Council members work on a voluntary basis.
5. The Journal Editorial Board
5.1. The Editorial Board is a permanent body of the Journal management.
5.2. The Editorial Board is formed by the order of the Director General of the Organization.
5.3. The Editorial Board is headed by the Editor-in-Chief.
5.4. The Journal Editor-in-Chief is appointed by the Director General of the Organization. He is in charge of generally managing the Board and takes final decisions on the Journal publication.
5.5. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the Journal contents, its scientific level, for observing publication topics, forming the reviewer staff and fulfilling the requirements of the present Regulation.
5.6. The Editor-in-Chief proposes the candidates for the Editorial Board membership, appoints the Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Executive Secretary, and Scientific Editors for each subject area of the Journal.
5.7. The Editor-in-Chief annually makes the estimate of expenses for the Journal maintenance, which envisages the expenditures on:
- material and technical maintenance of the Journal publication;
- size and procedure of payment of author’s fees for reviewing of the articles published in the Journal.
The estimate of expenses for the Journal maintenance is annually approved by the authorized person of the Organization.
5.8. The Editorial Board forms the portfolio of manuscripts in Editor’s hand; shares responsibility with the Editor-in-Chief for a high scientific level of the Journal and its contents.
5.9. The Editorial Board members work on a voluntary basis.
6. The Journal Editorial Team
6.1. The Editorial Team (editorial house) is the principle managerial structure for publishing the Journal that performs the following functions:
- acceptance, registration, and storage of the incoming manuscripts;
- observation of the Journal publication schedule and publication priority at all stages of preparation and distribution;
- quality assurance of articles and materials;
- text proofreading;
- electronic page makeup of the articles in Russian to be published in the websites of the Organization, own website of the Journal, and for indexing in the Russian Science Citation Index;
- translation of articles into English;
- electronic page makeup of the articles in English to be published in the websites of the Organization and own website of the Journal;
- forming of electronic versions of the Journal both in Russian and English;
- guaranteeing the Journal publication in a printed form;
- record-keeping activities and the Journal document management.
6.2. The Editorial Team collects materials for publication in strict accordance with the applicable requirements for publication (Appendix 1).
6.3. The Editorial Team works with each author individually with a view to correct the manuscripts in conformity with the set requirements.
6.4. The Editorial Team ensures manuscript revision in concert with the peer review policy (Appendix 2).
6.5. The Editorial Team carries out the distribution of the legal deposit, sending journals to the subscribers, sending based on the approved schedule to the entities of the branch and field-specific universities.
6.6. The Editorial Team puts the materials published in the Journal into Russian and foreign scientometrical databases.
6.7. The Editorial Team translates articles into English to form an English online version of the Journal.
6.8. The Editorial Team forms, downloads, and updates electronic versions of the Journal in the internal and external websites of the Organization as well as in the own website of the Journal both in Russian and English.
6.9. The Editorial Team performs the correction of the materials planned for publication to in order to find incorrect borrowed words.
6.10. The Editorial Team provides registration of the Journal and change in the registration data in the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media and the Russian Book Chamber.
6.11. A part of the Editorial Team’s functions may be performed by a publishing house carrying out the publication of the Journal on a contractual basis.
7. The Concluding Provisions
7.1. The publication of the Journal is financed from the funds of the Founder.
7.2. Article publication for authors is free-of-charge.
7.3. Royalty payment for publication of articles is not provided.
7.4. Modifications and amendments to the present Regulation are introduced and adopted by means of the Organization order.
7.5. The decision to reorganize and liquidate the Journal is made by the Founder.