Space Navigation Systems and Devices. Radiolocation and Radio Navigation | |
Algebraic Principles of Precise Point GNSS Positioning with CDMA Signals Povalyaev A.A., Podkorytov A.N., Nikitin S.A., Filimonova D.V. |
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Cubature Kalman Filter in the Task of Spacecraft Autonomous Navigation Filimonov V.A., Tislenko V.I., Lebedev V.YU., Shavrin V.V., Kravets A.P. |
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Towards a Transportable Optical Frequency Standard on Neutral Ytterbium Atoms Belotelov G.S., Sutyrin D.V., Slyusarev S.N. |
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Aerospace Methods for Earth Remote Sensing | |
Dependence of Ocean Remote-Sensing Reflectance on the Solar Zenith Angle Stefantsev L.A., Vasilkov A.P. |
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Geo-information Service “Basic products bank” Selin V.A., Markov A.N., Vasilyev A.I., Korshunov A.P. |
40 |
Radio Engineering and Space Communication | |
Ensuring Energy Characteristics of Large-Scale Dish Antennas by Antenna Fields Gabriel’ean D.D., Demchenko V.I., Korovkin A.E., Shipulin A.V., Poltavets YU.I. |
49 |
Universal Portable Functional Control System for Small Spacecraft Onboard Equipment Podshivalov S.A., Zlobin A.S., Kondranin T.V., Negodyaev S.S. |
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Systems Analysis, Spacecraft Control, Data Processing, and Telemetry Systems | |
Artificial Intelligence in Space Technology: State, Development Prospects Balukhto A.N., Romanov A.A. |
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Algorithm of Statistical Correction of Spatial Nonuniformity of the Multiscan Image Gektin YU.M., Andreev R.V., Zaytsev A.A., Kogan S.D. |
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Problem-oriented Method of Establishing Restrictions (Requirements) for the Integration of Information and Telemetry Software Vorontsov V.L. |
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Solid-State Electronics, Radio Electronic Components, Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Quantum Effect Devices | |
Method to Detect Internal Defects of Tantalum Capacitors to Decrease Failures of the Equipment Gorbachev I.P., Sashov A.A. |
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