A.E. Tyulin Celebrates His 55th Birthday | 3 |
From Editor-in-Chief | 4 |
Space Navigation Systems and Devices. Radiolocation and Radio Navigation | |
Current Issues of GNSS Civilian Usage in Russia Zhodzishskiy A.I., Berezentsev M.M., Nesterov О.V. |
5 |
Evaluation of the Radio Navigational Parameters of GNSS Signals in Coherent Adaptive Reception Mode Using the Kalman Sigma-Point Filter Algorithm Shavrin V.V., Tislenko V.I., Filimonov V.A., Lebedev V.Yu. |
16 |
Aerospace Methods for Earth Remote Sensing | |
Small Satellites for Scientific Research Petrukovich A.A., Nikiforov О.V. |
22 |
Special Algorithms for Radiometric Correction of ERS Images in Infrared Range Andreev R.V., Gektin Yu.M., Zaytsev A.A., Smelyanskiy M.B. |
32 |
Radio Engineering and Space Communication | |
Challenges of Hardware Development for Measurement of Large Antenna Characteristics by the Extraterrestrial Radio Sources Kalinin A.V., Kalinin V.A., Egorov M.N., Akulov A.Yu., Shirshov M.V., Rogov A.E. |
41 |
Systems Analysis, Spacecraft Control, Data Processing, and Telemetry Systems | |
Development of a Science and Technology Basis for Creation of Advanced Space Engineering Technologies Romanov A.A. |
48 |
Concept of Development of Basic Engineering Model for Ballistic Structure of Unmanned Spacecraft Betanov V.V., Larin V.K. |
65 |
Methodological Aspects of Information Resources Integration in Space-Based Facilities for Emergency Monitoring and Forecasting Alekseev О.A., Tsadikovskiy E.I. |
74 |
Simulation of the Mechatronic Dynamic Platform Equipped with Laser Navigation System to Operate the Spacecrafts Ivoylov E.V., Slobodyan S.M., Tsupin A.A., Deeva V.S. |
80 |
Solid-State Electronics, Radio Electronic Components, Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Quantum Effect Devices |
Development of SPICE-models of the Complementary Bipolar Transistors with Account for Dose Effect Gulin Yu.Yu., Ryabev A.N., Gorchichko M.E. |
89 |