Space Navigation Systems and Devices. Radiolocation and Radio Navigation |
Photonic Technologies in Space Device Engineering
Ponomarev A.K., Romanov А.А., Tyulin А.Е. |
2 |
Aerospace Methods for Earth Remote Sensing |
Estimation of the NDVI Calculation Error when Using Empirical Methods for Atmospheric Сorrection
Zubkova K.I., Kurevleva T.G., Permitina L. |
20 |
Algorithm of Restoration for Short Exposure of the ERS Image Spatially Non-Invariant to Atmospheric Distortions
Sviridov K.N.
26 |
Radio Engineering and Space Communication |
Communication Channel for Small-Size Spacecraft on the Base of the GLOBALSTAR Satellite Communication System
Morozov I.A., Danilin N.S., Makukhin N.N., Sergeev A.S. |
33 |
The Results of the Modeling and Estimate of the Characteristics of the Signals with Linear Frequency Modulation Reflected from the Spread Objects
Medvedev S.B., Shaposhnikov V.I., Chekmazova O.A.
42 |
Systems Analysis, Spacecraft Control, Data Processing, and Telemetry Systems |
Development of the Scientific Equipment for Search and Localization of Air Leak Places from the ISS ROS Pressurized Compartments
Pushkin N.M., Batsev S.V., Leushin K.O. |
50 |
The Information-Measuring System for Space Technology Monitoring
Shchevelev A.S., Kikot V.V., Udalov A.Yu. |
54 |
The Analysis of the Potential for Applying the CCSDS Recommendations with a View to Improve Technical Characteristics of the Domestic Space
Radio Links Intended for Transmitting Telemetry from Objects of Different Purposes
Vorontsov V.L. |
60 |
Solid-State Electronics, Radio Electronic Components, Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Quantum Effect Devices |
Development of Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuits of 5 mm Wavelength Range for Application in Promising Space Systems
Fedorov Yu.V., Mal’tsev P.P., Gnatyuk D.L., Matveenko O.S., Krapukhin D.V., Gamkrelidze S.A. |
66 |