Systems Analysis, Spacecraft Control, Data Processing, and Telemetry Systems,
Earth Remote Sensing
Scientific and Methodological Approaches to the Formation of a Technological Resource Model
of a Digital Twin of an Enterprise
E.A. Asanova, A.Yu. Denisov, G.A. Revyakov |
Relativistic Effects in the On-Board Clocks of Navigation Satellites Moving in Near-Circular Orbits
V.F. Fateev |
Methodology for Automated Processing of Virtual Test Results of Electronic Equipment Products
S.A. Yakhutin, V.D. Segov, A.A. Nikitin, A.Yu. Potyupkin |
Methods and Results of Experimental Studies of the Characteristics of Large-Sized Mirror Antennas
of Ground-Based Space Communications Complexes Using the Radio Astronomy Method
A.V. Kalinin, N.A. Dugin, E.E. Kalinina, S.P. Moiseev, V.M. Vatutin, S.A. Ezhov, M.V. Scherbakov, A.V. Polyakov |
Possibilities of Using AIS Satellite Data for Comprehensive Monitoring of the Vessel Activity
through the Example of a Fishing Fleet
S.V. Trusov, O.I. Baraboshkin, S.A. Bobrovskiy, S.V. Matveev |
Space Navigation Systems and Devices. Radiolocation and Radio Navigation
Positioning Integrity Improvement Based on Sharing SDCM with other SBAS systems
Yu.V. Isaev, A.A. Baburin, D.A. Serbin, V.G. Sernov |
Methods for Geodetic Support of a Complex of High-Precision Wide-Area Functional Augmentation
to the System for Differential Correction and Monitoring (SDCM)
I.A. Anikeeva, V.K. Andreev, V.S. Vdovin, G.M. Steblov |
Radio Engineering and Space Communication
Coherent Addition of BPSK Signals of Spaced Antennas with Complex Step-Down Frequency Conversion
S.I. Vatutin, P.A. Kozin |
Signal Structure for Group Control of Space Vehicles of a Multi-Satellite Space System
with Code Division of Channels
A.S. Garagulya, I.A. Kozinov, V.S. Kulikov |
Solid-State Electronics, Radio Electronic Components,
Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Quantum Effect Devices
Features of Boards Formation from High Resistive Silicon for Small-Size Space Microwave Filters
V.M. Zapetlyayev, A.A. Zhukov, A.E. Anurov, A.S. Korpukhin, S.D. Yakukhin |